Profit of the know-how of our experienced specialists We offer recruiting capacities that can be called and project-specifically scaled at any time. Our customer-specific multi-channel recruiting is unique and warrants cost-optimised, flexible and efficient solutions with a high hit rate. Expense-related settlements make our service transparent and plannable.
We will support you in development and mapping of customer-specific HR structures and processes. HR services offer you the possibility of outsourcing HR processes (e.g. salary administration). Our flexible support helps you in development of directives and standards, as well as with contracts and regulations in compliance with the law. Long-term experience, professional benchmarking and a comprehensive knowledge database warrant efficient, cost-optimised solutions.
HR services has a unique, permanently available export pool in HR management. Bridge short- and medium-term bottlenecks, vacancies, absences or know-how gaps at a fair price. Our expert pool comprises of experienced and certified specialists. We have the right experts for any questions in HR. You will pay for procured services only.